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Space Availability - Price Science Commons

Price Science Commons & Research Library Social Commons is a private category and can only be viewed at this URL. If you leave this category, you'll need to use the URL to return to it.
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The Allan Price Science Commons & Research Library has an open space at ground level which may be used informally as a space to give talks or present research.  The space is not enclosed, and traffic through the area, which also contains a coffee shop, would not be restricted; rather, the expectation is that talks or presentations given in this space would create a sense of science place.  Example uses might be quick research presentations for a primary audience of a dozen peers but with onlookers surrounding, or, lightning talks from groups of faculty and/or grad students who would like to let each other and passers-by know what exciting things are happening in their labs and classrooms.

We will mediate requests for the space (primarily in order to both show the times on our calendar and to avoid collisions), and will reject reservations which are simply for study groups.

Seating in the space is approximately fifty, and traffic is variable.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding