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Open Publishing Platform Sampler

Open Publishing Platform Sampler Online

This interest session will introduce you to several open publishing platforms available to faculty and students through UO Libraries, including brand new pilot access to Manifold. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, share their open publishing needs, and request access to any of the platforms we discuss. The platforms UO Libraries has access to include:

  • Pressbooks: a online book publishing platform based on WordPress which is often used to create Open Educational Resources. Pressbooks includes support for annotation via Hypothesis and interactive activites through H5P.
  • Manifold (pilot): we have 1 year pilot access to Manifold, a flexible open source publishing workflow that you can use to publish course materials, create open pedagogy projects, and use as an open respository/curatoin tool. It also supports reading groups and allows readers to annotate and highlight texts both privately and as part of a group.
  • Open Journal Systems: an open publishing platform designed to facilitate the entire journal publishing workflow from researcher to reader.
  • PubPub: a free and open source publishing platform used to create and host journals, exhibits, learning series, digital collections and more.

Join us to learn about all of these platforms and how you can use them in your teaching and research!

Related LibGuide: OER & Textbook Affordability by Allia Service

Friday, March 8, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
Remote Workshop
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Digital Publishing & Pedagogy  
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Allia Service