Intro to Mendeley Workshop (In-Person & Online)
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Intro to Mendeley Workshop (In-Person & Online) In-Person / Online
Mendeley Reference Manager is a free citation manager that allows you to save reference information while searching and browsing databases. Mendeley makes it easy to create customized bibliographies in standard citation styles, including MLA, Chicago, and APA. This workshop will introduce the key functions of Mendeley such as: installing Mendeley, adding citations to your Mendeley library, organizing and managing your citations, creating a bibliography, and using Mendeley with Microsoft Office 365 to easily insert citations from Mendeley into your documents.
Participants are encouraged to log in from their personal computers so that they may download and interact with the program. This is a hybrid workshop and will not be recorded.
Can't attend at this time or would like more advanced help? Contact us for a one-on-one consultation or check out our Mendeley guide.
Related LibGuide: Citation Management Software - Mendeley by Annie Zeidman-Karpinski
- Date:
- Wednesday, October 19, 2022
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 3:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
- Location:
- Knight DREAM Lab Workshop Space (122)
- Categories:
- Citation Management Workshop